dbz isnt bad a all
when dey come 2 da US dey get censored so much it makes it whack. DBZ, i admit watchin da ENGLISH verson gets annoyin cause dey say da same ding n always play rock music, BUT watch da japanese version. if u watch dragon ball n den da freeza saga, ull c da improvements akira made. da freeza saga is a dark, scary, saga. freeza is scary with a sly voice n when u dont play music all da time, it makes da moment scarier. dbz is not jus about fighting. its a change in all anime. EVERY good guy in a regular glossy eyed anime acts like a bad guy with no emotion or facial expression. Gokuh is the VERY 1st good guy who laughs, crys, and has a good heart n gets serious when he has to. dats what dbz is about, change. da angles of fighting n da drawing style, attacks. if u watch a anime like G Gundam which i also luv, der fast fightin is a lil lame like only der arms move fast n der body is still. but akira has changed n dats wat u guys gotta look at. i jus look between da lines when i watch or do neding dats all.sorry bout da score.